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HYfriend Media's Art and Poetry Contest

Updated: Jun 22, 2021

We have returned from our Hiatus and we have a surprise. We are creating an art and poetry contest for our fans to enter! The prize for winning is that we will feature the 10 best poems and artworks in an article, will interview the top three winners, and will take the winner under our label and promote them. This is, again, going to be a short article because we will just be going over the rules of this contest and what to expect. However, before we begin, if you have any questions after reading the article please do email us at


  1. The accepted art forms are digital, (scanned) watercolour, (scanned) charcoal, and (scanned) artworks that are done with markers or coloured pencils. We are very sorry, but full paintings and three dimensional models will not be accepted.

  2. For the Poetry, the poem must be more than 25 words but less than 250. The maximum number of lines is 50.

  3. The accepted topics on both the poetry and the artworks are; 3a.) Mental Health and Mental Health issues. 3b.) Nature, space, religion and/or mythology. 3c.) Creative works describing your own story 3d.) An artwork/poem about and/or inspired by Pride Month.

  4. The deadline for entering the contest is June 12th.

  5. If you are one of the ten winners of the contest, we will have to email you to confirm that you are okay with us displaying your artwork/poem in our publication.

Having read all of this, you can enter the contest using this link;

Good luck, contact us if you have any questions, and may the best artist win!

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