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Updates to HYFriendMedia's Label

Dear all of our readers, we have an important update to our company! We are currently taking applications for artists under our label! Before you try to apply though, I feel like we should explain that we will not be controlling what you put out UNLESS it puts a bad look on our company and we're basically only going to be helping you promote. You can make the same sort of stuff that you do normally, it doesn't matter, we're just going to put ads out for it and help you. So, this is more of an opportunity to get free marketing than an actual application for a company, but nevertheless. Let us explain how you audition.

We are currently taking auditions via a google form. We know, it sounds shady, but we're not asking for any sensitive information so there's nothing to worry about. Just your email address and your project. Oh, and before we get too deep into how to properly fill out the form, we should just say that by 'project' we mean any sort of webcomic, youtube channel (SFW ONLY), art page, blog, small business, wattpad story (we weren't sure what to call those, but yeah, if you have a fanfiction and it doesn't put a bad look on our company, we will promote it), or something else (for other, you'd need to email us before applying; our email address is Moving on, just fill out all the questions to the best of your ability

If you really want to make sure you're prepared for all of the questions before you apply (it's not that scary, but just in case), here are all of the questions on the form. This also works for if you'd like to just email us instead of filling out the form.

  1. What is your name?

  2. What are your pronouns?

  3. What category are you auditioning for?

  4. How old are you?

  5. Do you have any social medias? If so, list them. If not, skip this question.

  6. Please attach the comic/channel/business/other multimedia art project that you will be applying for promotion of.

This is a very short article for a reason. This March and April, we're just going to be focusing on auditions. Granted, we'll still release articles this month and the next, but not as a priority. We hope you guys enjoy this opportunity! If you have any questions, email us! Happy auditioning!

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