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Ways to Help Out digitally

Uh, disclaimer; there isn't gonna be a regular article this time around. Sorry about that. We would publish a regular article, but our writers are kind of just waiting for Purple Kiss and to debut and there hasn't been much happening. So, instead, we will just post an article for the public good. Enjoy! Our next K-Pop related article will be posted certainly on February 17th, but we might post an extra as a bonus! Onto the article.

So, COVID-19 has put a damper on last year, might put one on this year, and has led to many things being cancelled. One big way that I haven't heard talked about, though, is volunteer work. In the regard that it is non-existent. Well, not fully, but you know what I mean. It's incredibly hard to volunteer when you can't go outside. Yet it is necessary and integral to help others in a time of struggle. Thus, with the level of chaos and turmoil globally right now, HYFRIEND.Weekly has decided to list off a few ways that you can help anyone right now, even during a pandemic.

  1. METHOD 1: ANSWER PHONES FOR THE SUICIDE HOTLINE: Yeah, we're starting off strong. The first way you can volunteer in the middle of the pandemic is to answer phones for the suicide hotline. After all, self-isolation has been hard on everybody and suicides have been steadily increasing. Here are the websites and numbers; In America: and 1-800-273-TALK (8255). In Canada: and 1.833.456.4566. In Malaysia: and 03-76272929 In Japan: and 03-5774-0992. In Korea: and 1588-9191. All of the volunteering options can be found on these pages.

  2. METHOD 2: TRY ONLINE TUTORING AT This one is especially ideal if you are a student or someone with teaching experience. As the name implies, this is a website for tutoring others on specific subjects.

  3. METHOD 3: VOLUNTEER WITH THE UNITED NATIONS. The United Nations is currently taking applications to volunteer for specific opportunities. They are listen by language, so you can easily change that. However, there is no limit to what country you can help.

  4. METHOD 4: VOLUNTEER WITH THE CRISIS TEXT LINE. Similar to the suicide helpline, you can also volunteer with the crisis textline if you want to help people in danger. Sadly, though, I was only able to find one for Americans. I don't think that there is a limitation on who can apply, though, as long as you speak English.

  5. METHOD 5: HELP OUT AT CATCHAFIRE. This one is thankfully global. Or at least I think so. Everybody can volunteer at Catchafire. Browse through the projects listed on there to pick one that is in your expertise level.

  6. METHOD 6: TRANSCRIBE FOR THE SMITHSONIAN. This one is also global. The title is very self-explanatory. Transcribe historical documents to make them more accessible for everyone.

  7. METHOD 7: TRANSLATORS WITHOUT BORDERS. This is for everybody out there who is bilingual. Basically, you can translate any sort of document, whether that be medical or educational. It's up to you what you select.

  8. METHOD 8: DONATE. This isn't exactly volunteer work, but it sure is helpful to many organizations. If you had to ask me my favorite organizations that I believe you should donate to, I would suggest the World Central Kitchen (U.S), The Innocence Project (U.S.), The Trevor Project (U.S), Epic Homes (MY), EcoKnights (MY) and WWF (Global).

  9. METHOD 9: SIGN PETITIONS. Again, not strictly a volunteer opportunity, but still something to consider. I typically use, but I would suggest something a bit more reputable. Here are a link to a bunch of petitions you can sign at any time; .

And that was it! I hope you enjoyed! Remember that you can always help others, no matter the situation you're in. I also hope our readers didn't mind the shift from our regular work.

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