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We Interviewed Onces as to Jeongyeon's Hiatus

Updated: Aug 24, 2021

As many of our readers already know, Jeongyeon from Twice has recently reentered her hiatus. At the time of these interviews, she had just exited her hiatus. This information is still relevant regardless, as both hiatuses are practically the same. However, through all the news about Jeongyeon, we wanted to hear about how Onces felt about her hiatus. And for that, we turned to Twitter.

By the way, we have a twitter now! We're @HYFRIENDMedia, DM us your thoughts about this article! Our DMs are always open, ONCE!

Let's start off with one Twitter user, @icedtei! We aren't going to read off everything from our interview, just the highlights! Key: I stands for interviewer and O stands for the Once answering.

I: "What was your reaction when it was announced that Jeongyeon came back from hiatus?"

O: 'i was happy because i don't think the group is the same without all the girls tbh :))'

I: "Do you think her hiatus should've been longer?"

O: 'ahh, yeah i think so tbh? as much as i love jeongyeon i don't rlly think she's in like....full shape to come back if you know what i mean? just because of the injury and medication she's definitely gained a lot so she sticks out a LOT more on stage now'

I: "As a large account, how do you feel about the once community on Twitter?"

O: 'it's definitely divided to say the least 💀 there's a lot of fighting going on in the actual fandom because there's people who think bodyshaming or pointing out how fat she's gotten is helpful but others who think it's just rude, which is valid i guess, but overall i like the community, i have a lot of friends in it'

I: "What do you think could improve, especially regarding treatment of Jeongyeon by her own fans?"

O: 'i think people could be nicer to her, i've seen some pretty harsh tweets saying she looks like jyp himself 💀 or other ones pointing out stuff on her body, it's a bit rude, especially for people who call themselves stans'

What a lovely little interview! Many of the other questions were directed at Tei himself, so posting them here wouldn't make much sense. That's not the only interview we did though! We also did a short interview with Twitter Influencer, @DIN4DIET! We'll add all of the questions we asked, as we didn't ask too many personal questions.

I: "What was your reaction when it was announced that Jeongyeon came back from hiatus?"

D: 'I didnt even know she was on hiatus, so no reaction.'

I: "What do you think about Jeongyeon's recent neck injury and her change in appearance?"

D: 'ok yeah recovering from a neck injury requires a long time and she wouldn't have been able to move around as much, so the weight gain was inevitable but she clearly only recovered recently as people were pointing out she hasn't seemed as comfortable being on stage as of late.'

I: "What are your thoughts on JYP entertainment?"

D: 'Out of the big 3, they're the company that has been the most outspoken about their idols' mental and physical health, so one would think they wouldn't have been overworking them as much as they have, and that includes giving Jeongyeon a longer hiatus until she's fully back to where she once was.

I: "Do you think her appearance will return to normal, given time?"

D: 'Twice as a group has long practice hours and are constantly being physically active, so considering the weight gain was from an injury that she's now recovered from, i'd assume that she's eventually going to return to the weight she usually maintains, so yes.'

I: "Do you blame JYP for this whole situation?"

D: 'She'd under contract and isn't responsible for her scheduling, and if she's still in pain then she'd probably prefer to rest until she she's fully recovered, but jyp isn't prioritizing her health or comfort and is still making her go through with this comeback.'

I: "What do you think she'll do once Twice's contract is over?"

D: 'The usual path for idols to take once their group breaks up is one of two: either to to continue doing music or going into acting. As for jeongyeon, she's previously expressed interest in taking on roles in dramas so I'm guessing she'll be doing a mixture of both once the contract is over.'

What an interesting interview! Thank you so much Ms. Dina, we really enjoyed hearing your opinion!

We got a few anonymous comments as well! Here's one; "It was pretty cruel of jyp to return her from her hiatus before she lost the weight she gained. Considering the Korean beauty standards are so critical she is of course receiving comments on her appearance. She also looked rly uncomfortable on stage and her outfits definently didn't help flatter her shape.." Hmm, interesting point Anon! It's up to our readers to decide what they think!

Finally, let's view what a few other Once's thought about Jeongyeon getting off Hiatus!

That's all for now! Comment and share if you enjoyed! Our DMS are always open if you want us to correct something! Have fun for now!

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