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Comeback Review: Lemon Candy

Hey, I'm on time! As of writing this article, 'Lemon Candy' was released 20 hours ago! That's not even a day, so I'm pretty proud of myself. I remembered to check in for a few of the newest comebacks after our most recent article. This is the most recent comeback by Pink Fantasy. I'm sort of iffy on the group, really. On one hand, they seem fine and I have nothing against them. I really like their concept of having one overarching theme in their discography and I really appreciate that their company has a female CEO, as I would assume that that would result in members having more freedoms. However, I just can't shake the feeling of discomfort when watching their performances. I think it comes from the bunny girl. She seems alright and is nice enough, but I kind of feel worried for her. Did she choose to wear a mask? Or was that forced on her? It doesn't seem like she gets many lines either. But, regardless, I have no bias here really. For the review, I've decided to create a little metric for myself to decide how good the song is, really. The things I will be rating the song on will be about the lyrics, the production, the vocals, the music video, the choreography, and how those blend together. So, without further ado, let me document, in real time, my reaction to the song.

But before that, I just wanna say thank you all for, as of the time I'm writing this, 230 followers on Instagram! Think of this as sort of a celebration post, since I'm in a bit of a time restraint and can't make an individual post for that.

Alright, back to the review. The song starts almost immediately. I expected a bit more time to get ready, but okay. The beat is incredibly solid and I really like the melody. They work together perfectly. However, there is a different minor problem; the vocals sound a bit strange. I'm not sure if they were mixed in a way that made Heesun shrill, because this only happens in parts of when she sings around 10 seconds in. But whatever it is, it just detracts from the benefits of the fantastic instrumental. I'm leaning towards it being bad production though, she sounds fine in the rest of her line. But that's fine, there are some songs I like that start weird. I used to hate the beginning of 'Ah Yeah' by EXiD, but now it's one of my favorite songs by them. Regardless, let's move on. We're up to SeeA's line. It's fine. It does not improve upon the melody or detract. I will say, though, Yechan's following line did sound fairly nice. The lyrics are nothing but mediocre so far, though. Interesting concept told in a boring way. The music video also isn't very eventful so far, which for a group who so far has been very visually entertaining with their concepts is a bit of a disappointment. The choreography also seems boring so far. Heesun sounds fine later along in the song, so I know that it is the production that is just causing a bunch of issues. Certain parts of the vocals do not match up with the instrumentals, though.

We're up to the pre-chorus, and so far, nothing has happened. We're now up to the chorus. This is a very uneventful song so far. I mean, nothing is monstrously wrong, but so far this is background music. The hook isn't very strong either. The choreography seems a bit uneventful, too. There aren't any interesting moves to point out that truly stand out. We're now 1 minute and 22 seconds in. I'm under the impression that Heesun starts rapping. Okay. It's a bit stiff and her flow can be improved. Arang's lines were stiff as well. Just like that, the rap verse is over. Instead, Harin begins to sing. And I think I found my issue with this song. The aegyo is forced and the lyrics are aimless in construction. Other than the beat, there is nothing that is truly phenomenal. Rinse and repeat the same things that I said for the last pre-chorus and chorus for these ones. The next really eventful moment is 2 minutes and 50 seconds in, where Pink Fantasy starts singing louder. This does not, however, provide a stronger chorus. It does, though, boost the score of the vocals. They're pretty good. And then the song ends. And all I could think was; that was it? Really?

This is an unorganized, bland type of song. It's fine. I don't hate it. But I sure don't like it. I suppose that's to be expected, as this song was planned to be a B-Side. Not all B-Sides are bad, though, so this doesn't really cut it for me. Overall, it's just an ok song. A little slump in Pink Fantasy's career that hopefully they'll overcome.

Here are the scores!

Lyrics- 6

Production- 5

Vocals- 7

Music video- 6.5

Choreography- 5


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