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Comeback Review: Poison by Pink Fantasy

If any of our dedicated readers can remember, our very first comeback review was about the rookie group, Pink Fantasy. We quite enjoyed the comeback, Lemon Candy, at the time, but were a bit disappointed by how lackluster it was. Until we learned that it was just the precursor for their real comeback. Our whole team was excited and finally the comeback has arrived. So, is it any good? That's what we'll find out in this very article.

We'll be reviewing in real time, just like we did in our first article. Starting off, the music video is much higher quality than it was last time. I absolutely love the aesthetic they were going for. Furthermore, melodic intro switching to the heavy rock guitar playing was an ingenious mixing decision. A minute in and the vocals so far are also absolutely incredible. Every single member is shining so far. The chorus is also fairly catchy and well written, so props for that!

Currently one minute and 30 seconds in. I write that just to express my confusion at the dance break and the heavy metal screeching. It's not bad whatsoever, I'm just a bit surprised. The chorus is repeating, and I just feel the need to state that the choreography is also fairly good! It's simple enough to be covered by more than just the group while yet still being complex enough to be impressive.

Almost two minutes in, the vocals are yet again incredibly stable despite being in a high range. I also adore how the cinematography and editing works together with the song itself. For instance, the set shifting at the end of the high note. The song ends, with all of the compliments I had from earlier still standing. The only thing that I feel the need to complain about is the line distribution. Daewang only gets about 2 seconds to sing. This feels incredibly unreasonable and I hope that there is a reasonable explanation for this. After all, why put someone in a group if you aren't going to include them whatsoever? [A graph of the line distribution shown below, credit to @k_line distribution on YouTube.]

Overall, this was a fantastic comeback! I'd rank it a 9/10, with one point removed because of the unfair line distribution. I'd certainly suggest that all of our listeners go stream the new comeback, it already has 188k views [at the time of writing this] and it's only been one day! With that being said, this is our review! We hope you enjoyed, make sure to comment and share it with your friends if you did!


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